Friday, May 7, 2010

The bowl is half empty and cold...

Okay so I know you may be saying to yourself, "Self, this is not about food. Why has The Bud strayed?" And to you I say, Yes it is. Shut up. Read. and Thankyou very much.

I guess I can say that I've known about this for a while but I think I just wanted to ignore the hideous truth. My favorite cartoon ever "CHOWDER" is no more. Those of you who watch and or listen to the buzz have probably known this since 2009 but I think I just didn't want to accept the cankerous truth.

You see, this cartoon is like no other, it's about extraordinary NONSENSE and FOOD!!!! What more could a human want in life??? I have only about a billion complements that I could offer Mr. C.H. Greenblatt on this masterpiece but alas I feel I'm choking up a little. Like I said, I knew the end was sadly inevitable but I think I felt it was finally time to swallow the cold crunchy truth when I saw the sad little drawing of Chowder disappearing on his blog.

(if you love his work keep up with him... truly awesome)

He mentions work in the past that he's done on shows like "Billy and Mandy" and "Sponge Bob". When i read that I thought, "It all makes sense, I've also cracked up and peed myself a little watching both of these contagious shows." But I have to say my absolute favorite was Chowder. I love the animation and colors, all the characters, and I truly identify with our furry little "Crabbear" hero and his scatterbrained love of all things food. (Honestly, If I didn't enjoy exercise I'd be about a thousand lbs right about now.)

So here's some of the junk I will miss: 

Mung Dahl and his love of the Laaaadiees; When chowder couldn't pee after he, Mung, and Schnitzel got locked in the bathroom; the random hilarious crap like "the creepy guy who just hides behind the plant by the order desk of Mung's Catering company"; The feisty Meeches; Chestnut and his Tone Loc voice, Panini's infinite love and Chowder's exasperated cry "I'm not your Boyfriend!"; Gazpacho's fear of his mother; Cloffee; My favorite cruise ship entertainer Reuben and his song entitled "Hellooooo Thhhhhheeere"; Shnitzel's infinite aggravation; Marzipan's man in the sky; The up close shot of Truffle's face when she got sick; The offended crocodile in kimchi's swamp; That one time when Chowder thought away the show; Ms. Endive's GIANT TOILET; Chowder's "Inner Voice"; Kiwi's flailing arms; The scary Lollipop man selling Feetza Machine parts; and "Dinkalee Dinkaloo..."......... just to name a few things.

I really don't think i was the right money making target audience but they got me none the less.... I was even Chowder for Halloween '09 (take a look below, that costume was sewn by yours truly: Devotion!). You will be missed.... *sniffles*

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