Friday, December 18, 2009

Thumbs Up Diner - Decatur Square

Oh how delicious you are indeed.... another favorite.

Okay so i know that seems a little biased but you gotta start somewhere right?? Maybe this is a food blog that only features restaurants that get the stamp of approval that way no one gets their feelings hurt, and hey if you don't make the cut you know what you need to do.. STep it up! I figure there'll be enough detail for you to decide if it's your kind of place or not...

One of my most loved breakfast spots where the french toast is large- made from Challah bread, a food reminiscent of clouds in your mouth, and the bacon is perfectly crispy and chewy at the same time... a dream come true. Plus the decor is bright, friendly, and a just little bit kitch 50s enough to make most happy, not overdone.

So today we shall focus on breakfast, even though they offer a loverly brunch menu as well.. things like tuna melts and club sandwiches --stuff like that. We are also choosing to focus on the location in Decatur Square because some of them have different owners, and although they seem to be growing (good for them) one foodie to another can only hope that they stay true to themselves amidst the expansions.. hopefully not too many more locations. But that's just me being a bit of a purist. ANYWAY...
(Decatur's Thumbs Up Diner)

I simply ordered from the A la Carte portion of the menu where you just order whatever it is you'd like... my choice as usual: "2 eggs over medium (or sunny side), Grits, Bacon, and a Pancake, please!" Creamy, filling "stick to your ribs" grits, with perfectly cooked eggs --all orders are cooked "to order"----, I've already described the perfectly salty bacon above, and that pancake.. words cannot describe it other than saying that maybe with that pillow like french toast, this could be it's sweet sweet comforter to keep you warm on cold nights. Another good description I had for it once was that it tasted like cake batter, and coming from a cake lover you understand my affinity. The food is always moist never dry like some ill fated pancake or grit pile at the random restaurant with a breakfast menu, and to me that makes it most sincere...

(A la Carte + The heap w/ french toast on the side)

My fellow breakfast loving friend ordered one of their dishes; an affectionately named item called "The Heap" a death defying mix of diet hating goodies all piled up on a small skillet and shoved right there on the table. It includes: meats, cheeses, potato, veggies, eggs on top!, and a biscuit .... To accompany she also ordered a huge slice of french toast, topped with a little powdered sugar and of course you have the option to drown it (along with anything else on the table) in syrup; YUM. I will never give up carbs or pork, NEVER!!!!

Besides all of this the breakfast menu is beaming with fun choices like: Belgian or Buckwheat Waffles; Pancakes and French Toast plain or dressed in your choice of pecans or fruit depending on the ever changing daily specials, "Make your own Omelet" with choices like spinach, zucchini, feta, and goat cheese; Apple smoked Bacon and Sausage Patties; "Spuds" - something similar to what i grew up calling hashed browns before they became an unfortunate hard fried disk of crap at "SOME" places, and finally you can even get Catfish with your breakfast. Need I say more?

Probably not, but I will. Wanna know why? Here's the bill. Anybody want to hug?

If you can't read that it says $22.07, and rather large portions too. That address again:

174 W. Ponce DE Leon Ave
Decatur, Ga 30030
(404) 687-0999

Hours: 7am 'till 3pm

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Domesticated Me...

So the original idea for the blog is to try and get out to taste and review a new place or new dishes maybe twice a month ... but with the recession in full swing and funds a little tight I've decided to start including some of my own personal culinary adventures. This for sure is definitely one as I tend to be "allergic" to anything bitter but love a challenge.

I love greens. Growing up any Green was always a fall or winter staple in New Orleans; what now seems to have been of the last remaining frontiers on local seasonal eating. I haven't lived there for many years now so I'm not sure if it is still done this way, but judging by the climate of places like Georgia (who get fruit from Chile--halfway around the world, or shrimp from China when they could get it from the gulf!) my guess is it's probably not as homegrown as it used to be; but now I'm getting off the subject....

Two nights ago I made a quick sauce pasta dish from one of my favorite cook books by Lydia Bastianich ( ). It was a sauce made of Broccoli Raab and Anchovies. Those of you who squirm at the idea must know that it's much less squirmy to buy the tin of fillets packed in oil; and also that you are welcome to adjust the flavor. You can make it either a hint of "something delicious" in the sauce, or "something fishy"--- my idea of a good time. The recipe called for 3 fillets but I just dumped the whole thing in plus some of the oil and even that could have been more flavorful for me, it definitely depends on what you're making but this dish in particular is pretty potently broccoli raab.


Broccoli Raab, Garlic, Red Pepper Flakes -to taste, EVOO, salt to taste, (I added sugar to cut the bitter), pasta water, and your choice pasta shape.

I used Gemilli but that was my choice; I love the chewy quality they lend to dishes. Not until I started dating an Italian did I learn that pastas are shaped differently for a reason! And although this dish is quick in the cooking process it took quite a while to cut off the stems and peel the tough outer of each stalk big or small.

But I digress... It was delicious! 12 Minutes total cooking time, and about $8 for a girl sized version of a weeks worth of food.

Tur-duck-in Happy ThanksGiving!

Deelish. Hope yours was Thankful <3